As shown in Table 3,
we suggest that you record your personal account information
on a floppy disk or in an electronic mail format. This is especially
useful because some companies include important information on the
return portion of your account statement. For example, can you find
the mailing address on your monthly statement receipts? To avoid
the hassle and costly late fees (plus escalating finance charges
after your second late penalty!), simply create a computer file
or e-mail attachment that can be accessed at any time--no matter
where you are. If you prefer the internet
or university network option, simply send your financial information
as an "attachment" file to your personal e-mail account.
You can send the information file either from a friend's account
or an external "server" such as a free "hotmail"
account or a private service such as AOL. Now, with your information
file carefully "parked" on the information "superhighway"
(a good excuse for visiting an internet coffee shop or a local college!),
you can check it at any time to make sure that your payments are
sent to the correct address by the due date. Even when you are hanging
out with friends over the summer or visiting your family during
the semester break. After all, you're going to check your e-mail
anyway. Right?!!
Before completing your financial information file,
we STRONGLY encourage you to make some slight changes for security
reasons. That is, select a simple encryption
procedure that only YOU can translate. In this way, you can
be sure that your account information is for "Your Eyes Only."
Now, enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing when and where
to send your monthly credit card payments while away from "home"
and how to notify the credit card companies in case of theft. Whether
visiting family, grounded in an airport, enjoying a summer vacation
or simply on a school related trip, your hi-tech "secret hiding
place" could be your savior in case of lost luggage, theft,
or the accidental "missing-in-action."
BUT WAIT, before continuing on to our other financial
education modules, we recommend that you review some of the following
TIPS in the battle against credit
card fraud. Remember, our goal is to enhance YOUR financial empowerment.
That is, to maximize the use of credit cards in serving your needs,
NOT the interests of the credit card companies.
On to
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