Paperback Jacket Comments (back
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“Credit Card Nation should be required reading for the tens
of millions of Americans in debt to the Visa of the world and deeply
immersed in our credit-card-drive consumer culture. Manning neatly
analyzes the many different groups of people being lured into increasing
debt by the credit card companies. As strong indictment of those
companies and a powerful warning to those of us addicted credit
card use and debt."
—George Ritzer, Distinguished University Professor, Department
of Sociology, University of Maryland and author of The McDonaldization
of Society.
“Manning's comprehensive approach to the cause
of credit-card debt is far more compelling than the simple notion
that aggressive marketing campaigns and solicitations alone have
propelled the trend of credit card-based lifestyles... Manning insightfully
traces may of the changes that have led to credit-card debt as a
mainstay of consumer culture.”
—The Washington Monthly
“In Credit Card Nation, Robert Manning
sounds an alarm that the credit industry does not want America to
hear. In precise detail, he explains the techniques aggressive lenders
are using to pick the pockets of the most vulnerable borrower--young,
old, and working people with spotty credit records. Manning shows
the role that predatory lending, high interest credit cards, and
payday loans are playing in making the rich richer and the poor
—Elizabeth Warren, Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law at Harvard
University and co-author of The Fragile Middle Class: American in
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