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Modules 11 to 15 (Full Module List)


Electronic Banking Issues

The increasing popularity and convenience of PC banking and internet commerce have produced new problems concerning consumer rights, fraud, and bank errors. As banks replace human tellers with automated processing systems, electronic banking has increased opportunities for white-collar crime, technological problems due to malfunctioning computer systems, and confusion over uncertain flows of information. Reviews consumer rights and responsibilities as well as implications of future trends.


Debt Counseling


Programs Need guidance in developing a "balanced" budget and/or unable to pay your bills? There are several nonprofit organizations that can help. The module discusses the national organizations with free debt counseling services that can personally assist you over the phone or the internet. Many have local chapters for face-to-face counseling sessions and may offer low-interest, consumer debt consolidation programs. Explains the most useful services, how to make appointments, and most common problems.


Personal Bankruptcy

Nearly 1.4 million people filed for bankruptcy last year. When should you consider this financial option of last-resort? Explains the two basic types of personal bankruptcy (Chapters 7 and 13) and offers suggestions for deciding the one that is best for you. Examines an approved bankruptcy case and describes the typical choices that you will have to make during this stressful process. Also, discusses the attorney-client relationship and how proposed changes in the consumer bankruptcy code could affect future filings.


Life After Bankruptcy

After the bankruptcy court approves your case, it is the end of your past debt problems (unless your student loans equal the GNP of Belize) and the beginning of your credit problems. The module discusses the impact of bankruptcy on your credit report and prospects for obtaining future loans and lines of credit. Describes the typical emotional and economic problems that come with life with limited sources of credit and options for restoring your financial health. Discusses most common mistakes that lead some people back to bankruptcy court.



Newtonian Finances

Discusses planning for your financial future in an era of high levels of personal indebtedness. Credit and debt, when used to maximum advantage, can enhance one's standard of living and accelerate the accumulation of wealth for future needs. The focus is on maximizing the "spread" or difference between the cost of borrowing and the returns to investment. Explains how "Good" debt can work for your sound financial future and "bad" savings can slow down the achievement of your economic goals. Describes simple choices such as when to pay off credit cards, buying a car in cash, or renting versus buying a home.


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