Media Archives:
Recent Articles
- "Shocking Credit Card Facts", Motley Fool
, September 30, 2004
- "Experts offer survival skills for 'Credit Card Nation'",
Scripps Howard News Service
, August 26, 2004
- "Get an A+ in plastic",
CNN Money
, August 16, 2004
- "How Americans manage their money",
San Francisco Gate
, June 13, 2004
- "Credit card late fees continue to climb,"
, May 25, 2004
- "In debt we trust",
Inman News
, April 26, 2004
- "Greenspan blas� about debt: Too upbeat on household sector, credit experts say"
, February 23, 2004
- "It's time to lock into fixed rates,"
The Financial Times
, February 6, 2004
- Americans struggling with personal debt: And many lack savings for emergencies
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
, January 6, 2004
- "College grads face financial hurdles,"
, May 22, 2003
- "Keep your college kid financially sane,"
CNNmoney, August
14, 2003
- "Our Credit Crunch," the
Motley Fool
- "In hock to the hilt,",
July 21, 2003
- "Credit Cards - Public Enemy No. 1"
by Ralph Nader, the
Online Arbitor, July 11, 2003
- "Plastic Money's Predatory Lenders",
The Nader Page,
July 3, 2003
- "Credit Conundrum,",
June 20, 2003
- "They're Baaaaack: Card Marketers on
Campus," Credit
Card Management, May 27, 2003
- Good debt and bad debt,
- "The mortgage growth incentive,"
Chicago Tribune,
May 25, 2003
- College grads face financial hurdles, MSNBC,
May 22, 2003
- "Offensive T-shirt stirs anger at U
of L", The
Courier Journal, January 29, 2003
- "Charge It, Santa Baby.",
Dec. 23, 2002
- "New card makes credit a
The Indianapolis Star, December 13, 2002
- "Dad, will you pay my Visa?"
Money, December 12, 2002
- "Don't Leave College Without
It: Universities are cutting big-dollar deals with credit card
companies, and students are paying the price.", Mother
Jones, March/April 2002
- College Credit, Houston
Press, March 20, 2002
Major Periodical Articles
- "Credit use strangles wealth: African American debt is increasing taster than income", Black Enterprise, November, 2004
- "Experts offer survival skills for 'Credit Card Nation'",
Scripps Howard News Service
, August 26, 2004
- "Sally Mae Not",
Boston Phoenix
, November 28 - December 4, 2003.
- "Older Americans Going Deeper in Debt",
, March 2003.
- "Charge It, Santa Baby.",
Dec. 23, 2002.
- "Credit Cards for College Kids",
Smart Money
, July 11, 2002.
- "Don't Leave College Without
It: Universities are cutting big-dollar deals with credit card
companies, and students are paying the price.", Mother
Jones, March/April 2002.
- "Honey, Can We Afford It?
U.S. consumers are keeping the world economy afloat. But they're
up to their eyeballs in debt.", Fortune, September 3, 2001
posted on Business2.0
- "Pushed off the financial
Reports, July 1, 2001
- "Finances of Young People
Off to a Poor Start", Nation's
Building News: The National Association of Home Builders,
June 25, 2001
- "The Lure of Easy Credit
Leaves More Students Struggling With Debt", Chronicle
of Higher Education, June 15, 2001
- Cover Story, "Drowning in
Debt in America", U.S. News and World Report, appeared on
March 19, 2001. On-line
version available.
- "Economic Slowdown Bad News
for Student Debtors", Black
Issues in Higher Education, March 15, 2001
- "Congress could make it harder
to bail out A bankrupt bill?", U.S. News and World Report,
February 21, 2001. (Also
available on their web site)
- "BIG CARDS ON CAMPUS: Affinity-card issuers
are stepping in with megabucks" Business
Week, Sept 20, 1999, pp. 136-138.
- "The credit card binge: College Students are
engaging in some risky spending" U.S. News and World Report,
September 6, 1999
- "Study Documents the Extent of Students'
Credit-Card Debt" The Chronicle of Higher Education, June
18, 1999, Volume XLV, Number 41
Television Interviews
- "A Matter of Interest,"
CBS News
, Dec. 26, 2004
- "College grads face financial hurdles,"
, May 22, 2003
- "Credit cards that pay to stay in debt,"
September 19, 2003
Burden of Proof: Capitol Hill Tightens Grip on Bankruptcy Law,
CNN, March 16, 2001
ABC Money Talks segment on credit cards, September 9, 2001
- "Credit Cards and College
Students" segment on ABC WORLD NEWS, August 12, 2001
- Interview on BBC Television,
June 12, 2001
Interview on The O'Reilly Factor, FOX News on Thursday, March
15, 2001
- "Interview on Bankruptcy
Reform" CNN, March 1, 2001
- "The Power of Plastic",
60 Minutes II, CBS,
January 23, 2001
- "Students Hooked on Credit",
CBS Evening News, May 3, 2000 Article and video
excerpt available on the CBS site
- "College Kids and Debt"
Take it Personally, CNN, June 8, 1999. See related story on CNN
web site, ("Credit cards on campus get bad marks by some")
- "College Student Credit Card
Debt" ABC Good Morning America, June 15, 1999
- "Collegiate Credit Junkies: Critics Allege
Credit Card Companies Try to Hook Students,, June
8, 1999
- "Students no longer need credit cosigners",
CNNfn August 9, 1999
Radio Interviews
- Interview by Sheryl Gasser Wisconsin Public Radio
, December 27, 2004
- Comment on rise of interest rates "Newscast for June 30,
2004", Marketplace (Public Radio)
, June 30, 2004
- Interview with Laurie Taylor on "CREDIT CARD and ATTITUDES TO
DEBT", BBC Radio
, February 11, 2004
- Interview with Ben Merens, WPR Radio
, January 8, 2004.
- Interview with Mike Thorton on Predatory Lending, The League of
Revolutionaries for a New America
, October 15, 2003.
- A Nation in Debt: Interview with All Things Considered guest host Lynn Neary, NPR
, Jan. 29-31, 2003.
- Interview with Jean Feraca, WPR Radio
, December 27, 2001.
- Credit Card Season,
ABC Australia, December 5, 2001.
- Interview with Tom Clark, WPR
Radio, August 29, 2001,
- "Declare Your Financial Independence",
Audio Interview, The
Motley Fool Radio Show, July 2, 2001
- Interview "Is Our Economy
a House of Cards?", Sound
Money, November 3, 2001. (radio interview available on site,
requires Real Audio player).
- "Capitol Hill Tightens Grip
on Bankruptcy Law,"
Burden of Proof, March 16, 2001
- Dr. Manning's C-Span
lecture on CREDIT CARD NATION, filmed at VERTIGO BOOKS, College
Park, MD on January 25th is available at the on-line C-Span store.
- "Consumer Credit", Talk
of the Nation, National Public Radio, February 20, 2001. (broadcast
available on site, requires Real Audio player).
- Radio Interview, Jim Bohannon
Show, January 24, 2001
- "Ask the Expert", Financial
Sense Online, January 24, 2001 (radio interview available)
- WAMU, Diane
Rehm Show, January 22, 2001, 10 a.m.
- WEVD/"Mazer in the Morning",
January 11, 2001
- WNYC/ "Are We Headed to
Financial Downfall? Has the Recession Begun? "On the Line"
with Brian Lehrer, January 11, 2001
- WBAI/Pacifica, Doug Henwood,
"Behind the News," January 11, 2001
- The Mary Starrett Show, CHRISTIAN
RADIO, "Credit
Cards & The Recession," January 9, 2001
- "All Things Considered"
National Public Radio, January 7, 2001
- "Interview with Bob Merens" Wisconsin
Public Radio, June 14, 1999
News Hour - Personal Credit Crisis. -- November 29, 1996 TRANSCRIPT.
Economics correspondent, Paul Solman of WGBH-Boston, looks at
mounting consumer debt
Major Newspaper Articles
- "How Americans manage their money",
San Francisco Gate
, June 13, 2004
- "In 1992, young adults carried almost $1,500 on their credit cards. By 2001, their debt grew to nearly $3,000", Boston Globe, May 22, 2005
- "Credit-card debt can be the part of college that lasts the longest",
Duluth News Tribune
, May 2, 2004
- "Credit in college: Easy access, lack of knowledge lead to problems",
Argus Leader
, May 2, 2004
- "Credit cards can bury a young student",
Baltimore Sun
, March 7, 2004
- "Professor pushing efforts to rein in personal debt",
Rochester Business Journal
, March 5, 2004
- "Consumer debt a growing problem",
Rome News-Tribune
, February 14, 2004
- "Burned by economy, consumed by debt",
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
, January 18, 2004
- "Consumer debt is spiraling out of control",
Baltimore Sun
, January 17, 2004
- "U.S. Consumer Debt Grows at Alarming Rate: Debt Burden Will Intensify When Interest Rates Rise",
The Washington Post
, January 12, 2004
- "Credit-Addicted Generation Burying Itself In Debt: Experts Worry About The Impact On Families, Society",
Associated Press
, January 6, 2004
Mercury News
, Jan. 04, 2004
- "Cryptic monthly bills detail more than just minimum payments",
Argus Leader
, Jan. 04, 2004
- "Money to burn"
The London Observer
, November 30, 2003
- "Credit Cards on Campus," Enough Magazine,
Center for A New American
Dream, Fall 2003:1, 8-9.
- "Credit Card Companies Target Teens: Teens Still Spend In Rough Economic Times",
, September 24, 2003.
- "Why students don't need credit cards," Seattle
Post-Intelligencer, August 30, 2003
- "Many college students learn lesson
of credit card debt", Pittsburgh
Tribune-Review, June 1, 2002
- "Offensive T-shirt stirs anger at U
of L", The
Courier Journal, January 29, 2003
- "Young consumers: Indebted to the future",
Miami Herald, Mar. 08, 2002
- "Credit-Card Debt Grows
For Seniors", The
Salt Lake Tribune, Monday, July 8, 2002
- "New card makes credit a
The Indianapolis Star, December 13, 2002.
- "Covering More than the Price
of Admission", Washington
Post, April 28, 2002.
Times Weekly, March 5, 2002.

- "Retailers have stake in
how young adults deal with debt Spending habits will shape many
futures", Detroit
News, March 8, 2002.
- "Young consumers: Indebted
to the future", Miami
Herald, March 8, 2002.
- "College grads face crushing
debt -- and recession", South
Coast Today, January 13, 2002.
- The Pitfalls of Credit Card Abuse,
The Black Collegian
, 2002.
- "Young adults living large,
sinking deep", Detroit
Free Press, December 28, 2001
- "The price of plastic",
Orlando Weekly, September 16, 2001
- Crushed by debt: How the credit card bosses wreck lives for profit
The Socialist Worker
, May 25, 2001
- "Colleges stand to profit
as students pile up debt" Detroit
News, April 23, 2001
- "Colleges profiting from
credit debts: Are they at fault: Schools receiving shares of charges",
Richmond Times Dispatch, March 12, 2001
- Dr. Manning's editorial "American
households swimming in red ink", appeared in the Baltimore
Sun on Monday, February 26, 2001
- Michelle Singletary, "Drawing
a Line between 'Need' and 'Want'", Washington Post, February
25, 2001, H01
- "Debt Smothers Young Americans"
U.S.A. Today, February 13, 2001, Page 1-A
- "Colleges confront on-campus
creditors" Christian
Science Monitor, January 29, 2001
- "Bankrupt at 24" Los
Angeles Times, January 23, 2001
- "Are teens ready to take
the plastic plunge?", Seattle
Times, October 16, 2000
- "Credit-card companies catch
college students", Oregon
Daily Emerald, September 29, 2000
- "Students Binge on Credit",
editorial, USA Today, (article can be purchased from their on-line
summary available), September 14, 2000
- "Personal Business: How Debit
Cards Can Burn Holes in Student Pockets, The
New York Times, September 9, 2000
- "Kids get their Cards: Visa
Buxx Puts Plastic in Teen Hands" Akron Beacon Journal, September
4, 2000
- "Rising Debts Pick the American
Pocket", San Diego Union Tribune, September 3, 2000
- "Credit Cards get Training
Wheels", Credit Risk Management Report, Volume 10, No. 16.,
August 21, 2000
- "The Credit-card Industry
Makes it Easy to be in Debt", San Diego Union Tribune, June
25, 2000
- "Master Card Drops Consumer
Fraud Liability" Cleveland Plain Dealer, May 4, 2000, Page
- "The Credit Card: 50 Years
of Convenience, 50 Years of Debt" Salt Lake Tribune, March
19, 2000
- Roberto Sanchez , "Schools ban credit-card
promotions" The
Seattle Times, November 11, 1999
- "Few campuses offer students debt counseling",
Enquirer. September 19, 1999.
- Albert B. Crenshaw "Students pay dearly for
debt: study finds effects far beyond the financial" Washington
Post, Sunday, June 13, 1999, Page H02 Financial
- Andrea Fine, "Red ink stains student wallets"
Science Monitor, July 8, 1999
- "Credit cards act as extra temptation for
college students" Kansas
City Star, August 16, 1999
- "Credit card issuers prey on students, parents
complain; Deep debt has driven young people to suicide" San
Francisco Examiner, B1
- "Credit Cards Force Students to learn some
hard lessons" The Tennessean, June 14, 1999, p. E1
- "Lawmakers need to take up credit card bill",
Knoxville News-Sentinel, June 13, 1999, p. G2
- "Credit issuers blamed for student debt; companies
defend their role on campus", The Miami Herald, June 9, 1999
- "Debt Teaches Hard lessons," Florida
Times-Union, June 16, 1999, p. C1
- "Study: Card Debt Takes Heavy Toll on Students,"
American Banker, June 10, 1999
- "Credit Card Industry Preys on Students, Critics
Charge", The Daily Oklahoman, June 9, 1999, pg. 1
- "Students hooked on credit cards", Atlanta
Constitution, June 9, p. 12a
- "Watch your credit--landlords and lenders
rely more than ever on credit reports that can shut you out of
housing choices" Seattle Times, June 27, 1999
- "Students ringing up credit card debt; Study's
author cites companies aggressive marketing on campus" Dallas
Morning News, June 9, 1999
Web News and Chats
- "Credit Cards 101: A Student's Guide to Credit Cards",
Young Money
, December 3, 2004
- "Shocking Credit Card Facts",
Motley Fool
, September 30, 2004
- "Student Credit Cards 101: A Student's Guide to Credit",
, August 26, 2004
- "Get an A+ in plastic",
CNN Money
, August 16, 2004
- "Credit card late fees continue to climb,"
, May 25, 2004
- "In debt we trust",
Inman News
, April 26, 2004
- "Generation debt,"
, March 25, 2004
- "Bankruptcy 'reform' could punish elderly,"
, March 5, 2004
- "Living on Borrowed Dimes,"
Motley Fool
, March 4, 2004
- "Consumer Debt More Than Doubles in Decade,"
, Jan. 7, 2004
- "Swimming in a sea of debt,"
The Washington Post, December 14, 2003
- "The Credit Conundrum,"
Reporter Magazine On-line, December 12, 2003
- "What's in Your Purse?"
The Motley Fool, November 18, 2003
- "Shopping For Help,"
The Town Talk, October 30, 2003
- Credit Cards Offer Cash Back With a Catch
NBC San Diego,
October 7, 2003
- "Course for Credit,"
The Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition, October 2003
- "Credit Card Companies Target Teens,"
Click on Detriot,
September 24, 2003
- "Credit cards that pay to stay in debt,"
September 19, 2003
- "Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Credit
Reporting Law", ABI
World Update, August 31, 2003
- "RIT professor promotes class on financial
literacy", Rochester
Democrat and Chronicle, August 31, 2003
- "Keep your college kid financially sane",
CNNmoney, August
14, 2003
- "Our Credit Crunch", the
Motley Fool
- "In hock to the hilt",
July 21, 2003
- "Credit Cards - Public Enemy No. 1"
by Ralph Nader, the
Online Arbitor, July 11, 2003
- "Plastic Money's Predatory Lenders",
The Nader Page,
July 3, 2003
- "Credit Conundrum",
June 20, 2003.
- "The mortgage growth incentive,"
Chicago Tribune,
May 25, 2003
- "College grads face financial hurdles,"
, May 22, 2003
- "Credit cards create student debt"
GW Hatchet,
October 21, 2002
- "Freshmen, prepare for a credit card deluge",
October 2002
- "College Credit" Houston, March 20, 2002
- "Our Credit Crunch" The
Motley Fool
- "Spending Sickness" New
- "Click here to be debt-free" CNN
Money, June 18, 2002
- "Money for Nothing"
- "Dad, will you pay my Visa?"
Money, December 12, 2002
- "Credit cards: big debt on
- "High college costs can be
overcome: Students can jump tuition hurdles by taking the right
freshmen steps",
May 5, 2002.
- "Credit addiction goes global
America's latest cultural export is the buy-now, pay-later shopping
habit", U.S.
News Money & Business Story, March 25, 2002.
- "What paying with plastic
really costs: The devil is in the details for interest rates,
credit limits, and fees." CNN
Money, March 13, 2002
- "Young consumers face a world
of debt",,
March 8, 2002.
- "Digging a hole: Young consumers
rack up massive credit card debt",
March 8, 2002.
- "Can the Fed Rescue the U.S.
Economy or Not?", Common
Dreams News Center, January 16, 2002.
- "Indebted America",
Dreams News Center, October 25, 2001
- "Chained to Debt", Real
Change, October 4, 2001.
- "Credit-Card Capers",
Insight on the News,
August 20, 2001.
- "Student loans let youths
study now, pay debt later",,
September 21, 2001.
- "The debtor generation",,
September 21, 2001.
- "New Generations: Credit
cards for college students a big business",,
September 9, 2001.
- "Debt Smothers Young Americans",
- "Why Amex Doesn't Like Me",
Sept 9, 2001
- "Our Addiction to Credit",
Magazine, Interview by Silia J. A. Tilvi, July 23, 2001.
- Life Matters with Julie McCrossin,
ABC Australia,
June 12, 2001
- "A Kinder, Gentler Bankruptcy
Bill", BusinessWeek Online,
June 7, 2001
- "Pay day: Before you spend,
do some financial planning",
- "Teen Plastic",
- "Passing the bill on bankruptcy",
April 21, 2001
- "Debt Nation", OnLine
Nation Extra, April 18, 2001
- "Students pay when campuses
benefit from credit-card solicitations", gmToday,
April 16, 2001.

- "As the economy worsens,
rising level of consumer debt takes a toll on American households
- Credit Card Nation" Junum,
April 12, 2001
- "Is the US a Credit Card
Nation?", MSNBC Chat, April 12, 2001
- "Generation Bankrupt",
April 12, 2001.
- "Bankruptcy reform could
hurt small businesses" OnVia
Business News, March 16, 2001
- "Lingering Debt Is Warning
Signal", Associated
Press, March 1, 2001 (posted on Northern Lights).
- "Charge it",
Sub-Board I - U. of Buffalo,
February 27, 2001.
- Guest of Michelle Singletary
on the Washington Live Online web chat on the "Color of Money:
Debt Free by 2003" on Tuesday, February 27, at 1:00.
- "Credit Card Financing",
Small Business Center, CNBC,
February 5, 2001
- "The Perils of Plastic in
a Downturn" Business
Week Online, February 2, 2001
- "Starting to Feel the Squeeze",
financial section, Business
Week Online, December 7, 2000
- "Many Americans charge wisely,
but more carry deeper debt" by Lucy Lazarony,
December 4, 2000
- "U. Iowa Group to Offer Credit
Card, Financial Counseling",
- "A Tragic Tale of Debt",
- "Colleges urged to block
(Herald News 2000), Aug 25, 2000
- "Few campuses offer students debt counseling",, (Cincinnati
Enquirer), September 20, 1999
- "Credit card firms target college campuses
causing students deep debts" Detroit Free Press, June 9,
- "Group says credit companies hook students"
Real, June 9, 1999
- "If only students saved as easily as they
charge" Milwaukee
Journal Online, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, June 27, 1999
- "Credit-card companies aim marketing at young
July 16, 1999
- "The old college try flops for payday lender
on campus",
Posted: Aug. 27, 1999
- "Marketing plastic to students causes lawmakers
to melt down" USA
Today Banking News, Posted: June 21, 1999
International News
(back to top)
- "Credit cards lure young
women beyond their means", (Sun Herald), December
9, 2001.
- "Card debt hardship soars",
The West Australian, December 7, 2001.
- "Credit Card Season",
Western Australia, audio interview available, December 5,
- "More young women graduates
go bankrupt in Australia" StraitTimes,
December, 2001.
- "Record debts question whether
the plastic is so fantastic" The Sun-Herald/The Sydney Morning
Herald, September 8, 2001.
- "Credit Card Issuers Prey
on Students", Taipei
Times, August 29, 2001, republished on,
"A cultural and business conduit between Australia and Taiwan..."
- "Debt Smothers Young Americans",
Line, Financial Daily from THE HINDU group of publications,
July 30, 2001.
- "Students destroyed by credit
card debt", The
Daily Dispatch Online, South Africa, June 10, 1999.
- "Teen Plastic",
College News
(back to top)
- "Credit Cards: Another Day Older and Deeper in Debt",
- "Credit card companies must stop targeting college students",
Columbia Chronicle,
Columbia College Chicago,
September 30, 2002
- "Please step away from the
(independent site serving the University of Georgia community,
April 12, 2002
- "Students struggle to deal
with credit card debt: Affinity cards topic of controversy",
Tartan, (Carnegie Mellon), Volume 95, No. 5, March 28, 2002
- "Gifts place students in debt to creditor",
The Fauman - Florida A&M University., February 27, 2002
- "Colleges Look to Help Students
Avoid Credit-card Troubles", The
Bells Online - UMHB Publications Dept., February 2002
- "Students DISCOVER dangers
of packing plastic", The Daily Cougar Online, Volume 66,
N. 41, October 17, 2001

- "Financial Management for
College Students", The University of Georgia, Department
of Housing and Consumer Economics
- "Students accrue debt with
pizza, gum Credit companies get students to sign up, spend much
more than original purchase", The
Lumberjack - Online Edition, Humboldt State, September 27,
- "Credit Before It's Due:
College students get crash course in debt", InsideVc
- "Credit Card Debt",
The Student Movement, Web Edition, May 5, 2001
- "Student Credit Use Spirals
Out of Control', Foghorn
Online, May 3, 2001
- "Mutual Interest: MBNA and
UD ", The
Review, University of Delaware | Vol. 127 | Number 44, April
13, 2001
- "Gimme Some Credit! Predatory
credit card companies or irresponsible college students: Who's
to blame for campus credit woes?" Spectator
OnLine, March 21, 2001
- "Experts look for solutions
to student debt problem", Daily
Texan, Volume 101, No. 101, February 23, 2001
- "Survey says student credit
debt on the rise", Daily
Texan, Volume 101, No. 99, February 21, 2001
- "Credit card debt: It’s
everywhere you want to be", The
Arkansas Traveler, February 2, 2001.
- "Credit Card Debt Traps College
Students", Northgate
News, U. C. Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, November
28, 2000
- "Credit cards may get cut
from college campuses", The
Post, Ohio University, April 13, 2000
- "Protect yourself from credit
problems" The
Student Voice Online News, March 2, 2000.
- "Credit Card Companies Aim
Marketing at Young Customers" By Carol Frey, The News &
Observer, Idaho
Central Credit Union
- "Credit card use catches
students in the web of debt" The Daily Northwestern, October
28, 1999
- "Credit Card Conundrum"
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