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November, 2007

"Banking Deregulation, Industry Concentration, and Consumer Benefits: Sharing the Gain or the Pain?," conference on Bank Mergers and Consumer Benefits, Fordham University Law School, November 2007

October, 2007

October 17th -- 35th Anniversary Gala of Money Magazine, New York City, NY

October 5th -- "Wal-Mart: Financial Services Deregulation and the Challenge to Community-Based Banking" and "Responsible Debt Relief:" A Consumer-Creditor Alternative to Chapter 7 Bankruptcy," Filene Research Council meeting, Boston, MA

October 4th -- Keynote Address for 2007 Annual Conference on Financial Education, Dallas, Texas plus book signing and reception. Also, screening of movie IN DEBT WE TRUST.

October 3rd -- Panel discussion and screening of movie IN DEBT WE TRUST. Dr. Manning announces the launch of "Responsible Debt Relief" program, including his proprietary consumer debt capacity underwriting algorithm, Dallas, Texas plus book signing and reception.

October 1st -- NYPIRG and RIT's Center for Consumer Financial Services present a colloquium on online fraud and tips to avoid identity theft.

September, 2007

September 27th -- Dr. Robert D Manning and Judge John Ninfo, "The Perils of Plastic: Financial Empowerment and Avoiding the Debt Trap," School Without Walls, announcing the RIT's new BS degree program in Consumer Financial Services and partnership with the national CARE financial education program.

September 24th -- Keynote multimedia presentation, "IN DEBT WE TRUST? Banking Deregulation, Soaring Consumer Debt, and Future Impact of the 'Double Financial' Bubble," with Q&A, and book and DVD signing, Visions Federal Credit Union regional meeting, Endicott, NY.

September 21st -- Keynote Speaker, "After the Double Financial Bubble: Making Banks Financially Responsible for the Social Consequences of their Lending Policies," Credit Card Summit sponsored by the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR), New York City, New York.

September 10th -- Panel Discussion and Screening of IN DEBT WE TRUST: America Before the Bubble Bursts featuring Dr. Manning and sponsored by DC Councilwoman Mary Che and the Center for Responsible Lending, Washington, DC. Program designed to promote DC anti-payday lending bill.

May, 2007

May 21, 2007 -- "IN DEBT WE TRUST?: Banking Deregulation and the Collapse of the Double (Financial) Bubble," 2007 Personal Finance Seminar for Professionals, Columbia, Maryland

May 11, 2007 -- Keynote Address, "IN DEBT WE TRUST: Banking Deregulation, Bankruptcy Reform, and Soaring Consumer Debt," 2007 American Association of Debt Management Organizations, Washington, DC.

April, 2007

April 25, 2007 -- "IN DEBT WE TRUST: America Before the Bubble Bursts," post-screening presentation, State University of New York--Oswego, Oswego, New York.

April 24, 2007 -- "IN DEBT WE TRUST: America Before the Bubble Bursts," post-screening presentation, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York.

April 20, 2007 -- "IN DEBT WE TRUST: America Before the Bubble Bursts," post-screening presentation at Philadelphia Downtown Marriott, National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (NACBA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

April 16, 2007 -- "IN DEBT WE TRUST: From Monopoly to Mall Madness in the Credit Card Nation," Finger Lakes Forum, Lake Geneva Country Club

April 16, 2007 -- "Banking Deregulation and the Unkept Promise of Consumer Benefits," testimony before New York State Legislature's hearing, "Practices of the Credit Card Industry," Albany, New York.

April 14, 2007 -- 3rd Annual Leadership Advancement Conference: Connectology, "Stay out of Debt/ Debt Management," Rochester, New York

April 11, 2007 -- "IN DEBT WE TRUST: America Before the Bubble Bursts," post-screening presentation, Fine Arts Theatre, Beverly Hills, California

April 4, 2007 -- "IN DEBT WE TRUST: America Before the Bubble Bursts," post-screening presentation, Quad Cinema, New York City, New York

March, 2007

March 30, 2007 -- National Theatrical Premier of IN DEBT WE TRUST: America Before the Bubble Bursts," press conference, THE LITTLE THEATER, Rochester, New York

March 10, 2007 -- "IN DEBT WE TRUST: Banking Deregulation, Bankruptcy Reform, and Soaring Consumer Debt" at the Ohio Bench/Bar Retreat, Cleveland, Ohio

February, 2007

February 9, 2007 -- "After the Financial Services Revolution: IN DEBT WE TRUST?" Cleveland City Club Lecture, Cleveland Ohio. Listen Online!

February 8, 2007 "After the Financial Services Revolution: Banking Deregulation, Bankruptcy Reform, and the Consumer Debt Crisis," 12th annual Frank J. Battisti Memorial Lecture, Case Western Reserve School of Law, Cleveland, Ohio. View the lecture online!

January, 2007

January 28, 2007 -- Testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, "Examining the Billing, Marketing, and Disclosure Practices of the Credit Card Industry, and Their Impact on Consumers."

January 22, 2007 -- "From Monopoly to Mall Madness: IN DEBT WE TRUST In the Credit Card Nation," Chatterbox Club, Rochester, New York

October, 2006

"Assessing Needs and Providing Financial Services to Disadvantaged Populations," at the "Financial Services for Low Income and Migrant Populations: Needs, Challenges and Potential Solutions" conference, at the E. Philip Saunders College of Business, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, October 27, 2006.

"IN DEBT WE TRUST: Credit Cards on Campus" conference, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, October 3, 2006

August, 2006

"Reality Bytes: Credit Cards on Campus," Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, August 29, 2006

June, 2006

"The Next Chapter in Consumer Bankruptcy Reform: Challenging Realities and Innovative Alternatives," 98th annual Utah Bankers' Association convention in Sun Valley, Idaho, June 25-28, 2006.

May, 2006

Keynote Address, "The Rise of Easy Credit and the Marketing of Yuppie Food Stamps: Americans' Changing Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Spending, Saving, and Gambling Activities in the CREDIT CARD NATION," Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling, Orlando, Florida, May 11, 2006

October 2005

"Paper or Plastic?: Credit Cards on Campus", University Address, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio 2005.

September 2005

"Living With Debt", Opening Address for District of Columbia Sociological Society, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., September 2005.

May, 2005

"NAFTA and the Washington Consensus: Political Motivations and Economic Realities of Contemporary Globalization", Plenary session, symposium on "NAFTA and the China Factor", Rochester Institute of Technology, College of Business, Rochester, N.Y., May 2005.

"Gen 'n Debt: Exploring Generational and Societal Forces", Keynote Address, "The Debt Generation" symposium, Baruch College, New York City, New York, May, 2005.

April, 2005

"After Federal Bankruptcy Reform: Assessing the Options for Consumers", annual conference of National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys, San Diego, California, April 2005.

December, 2004

"Banking Deregulation and the Global Expansion of the U.S. Consumer Credit System", Keynote Address, conference on Consequences of the Consumer Lending Revolution, University of Washington, St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, December 2004.

"Banking Deregulation and the Consumer Lending Revolution: What Happened to Consumer Rights?", conference on Consequences of the Consumer Lending Revolution, University of Washington, St. Louis, Missouri, December 2004.

July 2004

"Can the American Consumer Sustain the Current US Recovery?", sponsored by the Center for American Progress, Washington, D.C., July 2004.

May 2004

"Consumer Debt and the Deregulation of U.S. Financial Services", Economic Policy Institute, Washington, D.C., May 2004.

January 2004

"The Political Economy of Consumer Credit and Debt", Economic Sociology Seminar Series, London School of Economics, January 2004.

"The Power of Pla$tic: Banking Deregulation and the Rise of the Credit Card Nation", sponsored by Birkbeck College and Economic and Social Research Council, ãCultures of Consumptionä public lecture series, Royal Society of London, United Kingdom, January 2004.

"The Global Expansion of Consumer Credit and Debt", International Workshop on "Consumer Culture and Its Discontents", sponsored by Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and Japanese Center for Global Partnership (CGP), Tokyo, Japan, January 2004.

December 2003

"The State of the American Consumer," sponsored by The Cambridge Consumer Credit Index and New York Association for Business Economics, New York City, December 2003.

"Credit Cards on Campus: Reality Bytes," Keynote Address, Annual Connecticut Association of Professional Financial Aid Administrators, Mystic, Connecticut, December 2003.

August 2003

"What We Know and Don’t Know About Credit/Debt," Access to Consumer Credit conference, sponsored by Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore, Md, August 2003.

"Credit Cards on Campus: A Growing Collegiate Crisis or Benign Societal Trend?," Special Session on Social Consequences of Consumer Debt, annual meeting of American Sociological Association (ASA), Atlanta, Georgia, August 2003.

May 2003

"The Magic of Plastic: Banking Deregulation and the
Politics of Predatory Lending," Symposium on "Market Failures and Predatory Lending," sponsored by National Consumer Law Center and the Woodstock Institute, Chicago, Illinois, May 17th 2003.

April 2003

"Credit Card Nation: The Cultural Revolution in Post-Industrial America," University Lecture, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, May 9th 2003.

"Credit Card Nation: What's Debt Got To Do With It?," Department of Sociology, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York, April 14th 2003.

"The Global Expansion of Consumer Credit and Debt: The Political Economy of Credit Card World," international conference on "Consumer Culture and Its Discontents," Newberg, New York, April 11th 2003.

March 2003

"Magic Plastic: What's Debt Got To Do With It?" Distinguished College Lecture, Monroe Community College, Rochester, New York, March 2003.

"Surviving The Pitfalls of Credit," with Chief Bankruptcy Judge John Ninfo, sponsored by the Vice-President of Student Affairs, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, March, 2003.

"New Trends in Post-Industrial Inequality: What's Debt Got To Do With It?," Center for the Study of Inequality, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, March 2003.

January 2003

"Post-Industrial Inequality: The Role of Consumer Debt in Contemporary American Society," Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, January 2003.

September 2002

Dr. Manning will be testifying before the U.S. Senate Banking Committee in Washington, D.C. on September 5.

SARBANES ANNOUNCES HEARING ON FINANCIAL LITERACY AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS Senator Paul S. Sarbanes (D-MD), Chairman of the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, announced that the full Committee will meet to conduct a hearing on the importance of financial literacy among college students. Beginning at first-year orientation, many college students receive credit card solicitations and over half acquire their first credit card during their first year of school. However, college students often lack the financial knowledge that is necessary for a smooth entry into the financial system. Consequently, many students mishandle their finances and accrue large amount of credit card debt. The hearing will explore ways to address this problem. The hearing will be held: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2002 10:00 AM 538 DIRKSEN SENATE OFFICE BUILDING

Scheduled to testify are:

  • Ms. Ellen Frishberg, Director of Student Financial Services, Johns Hopkins University;
  • Ms. Natalo “Tally” Hart, Director of Financial Aid, The Ohio State University;
  • Dr. Robert Manning, Caroline Werner Gannett Professor of Humanities, Rochester Institute of Technology;
  • Mr. Jonathan Miller, Treasurer, State of Kentucky;
  • Dr. Michael Staten, Director of the Credit Research Center, Georgetown University.

June 2002
"Reality Bytes: Credit Cards on Campus," Keynote Luncheon Address, and "From Work study to College Debt: The Student Loan Generation," to be presented at:

  • annual meeting of the Northwest Education Loan Association, Portland, Oregon, June 19, 2002.
  • annual meeting of the Northwest Education Loan Association, Seattle, Washington, June 18, 2002.
  • annual meeting of the Northwest Education Loan Association, Boise, Idaho, June 11, 2002.

January 2002
"Credit Cards on Campus: The Impending Crisis of Student Debt," Keynote Luncheon Address, annual meeting of the American Student Financial Assistance Association, Boston, Mass January 2002.

December 2001
Keynote address "The Revolution in Consumer Financial Services: What's Debt Got To Do With It," Western Australia Consumer Protection Agency conference, Perth, Australia, December 6th, 2001.

November 2001
"Credit Card World: The Political Economy of Consumer Credit and Debt," Annual meeting of the International Academy of Linguistics, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Cancun, Mexico, November 16, 2001.

October 2001
"Credit Card Nation: Banking Deregulation and the Rise of Consumer Financial Services," International Academy of Business Management and Social Science," annual meeting Cancun, Mexico, October 2001.

"Consumer Bankruptcy Reform: A Tale of Two Countries (U.S. and Canada)," University of Toronto Law School, Toronto, Canada, October 20th, 2001.

"CREDIT CARD NATION: What's Debt Go To Do With It," Brickhall Lecture, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, October 13, 2001.

August 2001
"CREDIT CARD NATION: The New Social Inequality of Post-Industrialism," American Sociological Ass, Anaheim, CA, August 21, 2001.

Keynote speech, "CREDIT CARD NATION: Where the Research Ends and the Social Policy Begins," Sociological Practice Association, Anaheim, CA., August 19, 2001.

Received Robert D. Park Award, Sociological Practice Association, Anaheim, CA August 19, 2001.

July 2001
Press Briefing with Members of Congress, U.S. Financial Services Committee, Washington, D.C. July 25, 2001.

March 2001
Dr. Robert D. Manning presented "Financial Service Deregulation: The Political Economy of Consumer Debt" to the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), Washington, D.C., March 2, 2001

Dr. Manning spoke at a press conference with Congressman John LaFalce on the House bankruptcy bill (H.R. 333) on March 1, 2001.

"Author-Meets-Critic", Eastern Sociological Society Meeting, Philadelphia, March 4, 9:00 A.M., with Dan Clawson, Sociology Department, U. Mass Amherst; Kevin Delaney, Sociology Department, Temple University, and Andrew Beveridge, Sociology Department, City University of New York, Michael Hudson Roanoke Times.

February 2001
He presented testimony on the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2001 (S.220) before the Senate Judiciary Committee on February 8, 2001

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