Robert Manning, professor of consumer finance and director of the center for Consumer Financial Services at the Rochester Institute of Technology is perhaps one of the most outspoken and informed observers of financial trends in this country today.
His milestone book, "Credit Card Nation," published in 2000, illuminated just how much credit cards have changed the way we think about and spend money. An avid consumer advocate devoted to helping solve what he sees as the consumer debt crisis, Manning frequently appears before the Senate and House committees offering expert testimony and advice. His next book, "Give Yourself Credit," to be published this spring, will help consumers use credit cards and other debt wisely and responsibly.
Try this simple trick if you want to see what I mean. Go to the mall and leave your credit cards in the drawer at home. You'll be surprised how many times you'll reach for something and then think better of it if you have to pay in cash. Research shows that Americans will buy 15 percent to 25 percent more with a credit card than they will if they shop with cash. Americans now spend 130 percent of their discretionary income on their financial obligations and a huge amount of that is credit card debt. No wonder the Commerce Department just reported a negative 1 percent savings rate for 2006, the lowest level since 1933, during the Great Depression.
Credit cards have also taken away the notion of an emergency fund. For people who can't handle that lack of cushion, it's a real problem. Now if the car breaks down, they just put the repair on the card. Sure it gets them out of a jam, but chances are they can't afford to pay the whole balance at the end of the month. That means they're paying for that emergency -- plus interest -- for months and months. When little and big catastrophes happen, Americans end up financing them at huge costs on their credit cards. Even more
scary, Americans are simply deferring the consequences of all this until they
retire 20 or 30 years from now. That's what I learned when I conducted the Living
with Debt study with LendingTree two years back. When you look at the numbers,
the coming generation of retirees is about to enter their golden years heavily
in debt. That means they'll have to rely even more on government programs and
their own children to make ends meet. These days with credit cards, the consumer is reduced to working with a set of terms that almost always benefits the lender. Once consumers realize that, they'll naturally start using credit cards more wisely and become more skeptical of the terms of agreement.
This story ran on on February 20, 2007. |